Saturday, 12 January 2013

Designs, Dungeons and Rails

Hello everyone! As you might see, my blog has been updates and improved (thanks to Repelling Spider for various tips, his blog is awesome!). In my opinion it looks much better and is way more user friendly. A few changes are that if something very important happens then it will be posted on the front page, under the bulletin board as well as just as a regular post. Feedback of the new design is appreciated  and always welcome (though do be nice about it please).

     Project Creation has been coming along nicely, and tomorrow is the day that I finish filming. After that it'll probably still take a few weeks before the release seeing as it is quite a challenge to edit (and music, *hint* *hint* ) 

     I'd like to thank one of my friends (who I will call F for the time being) for lending a couple of his rails so I could do some tricky camera work. Video production has been a bit slower then usually because I've been addicted to playing a couple of rouge like games (FTL and Dungeons of Dredmor) however in the future I'll try to avoid such things.

    Finally because you were kind enough to read this (or you just scrolled down, either way) here are a couple of tests utilizing the new rails. Ignore the light flicker. I personally also think the last once was better, although this probably is because I figured out the best method of sliding the camera down the rails. Anywho, glad you read this and enjoy!